Highlights of the Karaoke Night
April 28, 2017
At HSI in Aiea
Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, & Roosevelt
Class of '69
Laverne Flores (RHS), Faith, Cynthia, and Jo
Attending Falcons:
Sandy Asato Nishimoto, Kathy Inouye Anzai, Faith Furukawa
Cynthia Burns, Joanne Amioka Chikuma,
Carl Yamamoto, & Bobby Imoto
Dancing at Karaoke?
Cynthia and Jo
The joint girls group
It's supposed to be a Karaoke event, not a dance!
Russell Shiroma (RHS), Alan (RHS) and Sandy Nishimoto
The Joint Schools' Karaoke Committee
Harold Fujii - RHS - chair
Robin Yafuso - RHS
Joanne Chikuma - Kalani
Chris Imoto - MHS
Dani Emoto - Kaimuki
Keith Kurahashi - MHS
Bobby Imoto - Kalani