More smiling faces from our 40th Class Reunion.
A blog site for the Kalani High School Class of 1969 alumni to provide a platform to exchange information and stay updated on upcoming alumni events (specifically for announcements about classmates and upcoming celebration events).
Kalani High School

Where the tradewinds from the valley ...
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Wouldn't 69 be a fitting golf score?
Since those rumors that the Calientes would play
at the July 23rd birthday bash came through,
perhaps we should work on a new possibility.
What if a certain celebrity golfer decided to come
down and play with our alumni on August 12th?
How many strokes would he give? Who would he play with?
Join your Kalani Class of 1969 alumni for our golf
experience on Friday, August 12, 2011 at the
Oahu Country Club, then join the rest of your classmates
at the our Pau Hana Buffet 60th Birthday Bash.
Contact Dave Dunham for details and to sign-up., or
848-0003 / 478-3707
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Calientes return ... best kept secret.
One of the best kept secrets for the upcoming
Four-Schools Birthday Bash was that the
legendary Calientes would get together and perform.
Well the secret is out. Rumors were circulating until
McKinley's blog site announced it. So much for
keeping it secret, but great for the event.
The live music for the Class of '69 Birthday Bash
on July 23rd at the Japanese Cultural Center
will feature the Beat Boys with special guest band ...
the Calientes.
Don't know when you'll get to see them perform again.
$60 now, $70 after June 24th
Contact or
call Joanne at (808)235-3755 for sign-up forms.
No Car? Catch ride down to JCC.
No Car? No Ride? Jump in with a '69 classmate from Roosevelt
and catch a ride down to JCC on the 23rd for the Four-Schools
Sock-Hop (Birthday Bash). Chip in for gas!
and catch a ride down to JCC on the 23rd for the Four-Schools
Sock-Hop (Birthday Bash). Chip in for gas!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Japanese Cultural Center Ballrooms
5 pm to 11 pm
Food, Live music, and Casino.
(Special guest band: The Calientes)
$60 now or $70 after June 24th
Contact or call Joanne at (808)235-3755
for application form and details.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Event Sign-Up Forms
The KHS Alumni Committee has finalized all of the Event sign-Up Forms. (Actually Joanne did all the work)
You will be receiving these via email to sign up for the various 60th birthday celebration events scheduled for this year. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion so don't hesitate to attend all of them. You will never have another opportunity to celebrate your 60th with fellow '69ers.
or call
Joanne Amioka Chikuma (808)235-3755
Note: If you want the form right away, try copying from this blog and pasting it to a document. It might need a little adjustment to fit the page before printing.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
More interesting people to meet
It looks like McKinley's Class of '69
also have a lot of people who have
matured through the years!
Like other '69er, they know how to
have a great time when they get together.
Don't know if they'll have a "cage" at the
Four-Schools Birthday Bash on July 23rd,
but the "dancers" will be there.
You can bet that the Roosevelt Alumni
are just as "interesting."
Come Meet Interesting People
You will be surprised to see how much
everyone has matured over the past
42 years!
Just imagine getting to meet them again.
This time with other mature '69ers
from Roosevelt, Kaimuki, and McKinley.
- July 23rd - Four-Schools Birthday Bash @ JCC
- August 12th - Kalani Class of '69 60th Birthday Bash @ OCC
- November 9 - 14th @ Las Vegas
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Roosevelt Class of '69 Alumni Meeting
Members from our alumni committee as well as a few from McKinley's, met with the Roosevelt Class of '69 committee to review, discuss, and plan on our upcoming four-schools bash with Kaimuki and our 60th birthday celebration in Las Vegas.
Roosevelt has, by far, the strongest active alumni group of the four schools. Much was covered at the meeting including sharing of some snacks.
From the looks of McKinley's Keith Kurahashi and our own Bobby Imoto, the meeting must be winding down ... or they are just not paying attention at the back of the room.

There are enough brother and sister '69ers from the schools attending at least one of the events. Don't miss this opportunity because we turn 60 only once. Call a fellow classmate and plan on attending.
Don't procrastinate, lock in the dates. Hey, it definitely beats attending summer school.

Roosevelt has, by far, the strongest active alumni group of the four schools. Much was covered at the meeting including sharing of some snacks.
From the looks of McKinley's Keith Kurahashi and our own Bobby Imoto, the meeting must be winding down ... or they are just not paying attention at the back of the room.
There are enough brother and sister '69ers from the schools attending at least one of the events. Don't miss this opportunity because we turn 60 only once. Call a fellow classmate and plan on attending.
Don't procrastinate, lock in the dates. Hey, it definitely beats attending summer school.
Event Sign-Up Forms
Attention All Kalani '69 Alumni:
Your Alumni Committee is still working on the final details for the upcoming events this year. Because of the changes in prices and revisions to original plans, some of the costs have changed.
They are in the process of confirming these details and finalizing sign-up/application forms for each event.
Please stand by for further updates, details, and history.
Your Alumni Committee is still working on the final details for the upcoming events this year. Because of the changes in prices and revisions to original plans, some of the costs have changed.
They are in the process of confirming these details and finalizing sign-up/application forms for each event.
Please stand by for further updates, details, and history.
Remember the Social Clubs?
Shanates Darlamanes Hobies Cavaliers
Belmonts Soteros Pharoahs Cameos Gigis
L'Enriches Xontelles Sultans Centrics
Ventures DMZs Les Cheries Videls
Sapphires Lauri Annettes
Remember the dances, moonlight picnics,
and other social events?
and other social events?
Curious to see what the members of clubs
like these are doing now?
Come check it out at the Four-Schools Birthday Bashlike these are doing now?
on July 23, 2011 at the Japanese Cultural Center to
help '69 grads from Kalani, Kaimuki, McKinley, and
Roosevelt High Schools celebrate their 60th birthday.
Possible special events for the Las Vegas Bash
The adventurous Roosevelt Class of '69 Alumni Committee is busy looking into different types of exciting events for their fellow '69 grads during the upcoming
60th Birthday Bash in Las Vegas.
We cannot only gamble, eat, and drink ... well maybe we can ...
but some of us may want to try different activities.
They are still checking, but how do these sound?
- River rafting - could be dangerous
- Desert ATV rides -could be dangerous
- Craft fairs - very dangerous, experts only
- Tour of Las Vegas - safe for all
Plan now to join them. Contact the Kalani Class of '69 alumni committee - Joanne Amioka Chikuma at (808) 235-3755, or email them at
60th Birthday Bash Bowling
McKinley High Class of '69 will host a 60th Birthday Bash
Bowling Extravaganza on Friday,
November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) at the
Sam's Town Hotel Gambling Hall & Bowling Center
in beautiful Las Vegas,Nevada.
Teams from Kalani, Roosevelt, and McKinley will
"compete" for Class of '69 bragging rights.
Everyone from every school is invited to participate.
No previous bowling experience necessary
(It would help but not necessary)
Cost will be $15 per person.
Includes shoes, bowling ball, and three games.
(Prizes for the winners)
McKinley's '69 Alumni Committee Bowling Coordinators,
Keith Kurahashi and Dean Masuno, will be organizing
the competition among schools.
Contact Chris Sumiye Imoto with questions or to sign up at
Sign up with your school team or individually.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Las Vegas Shows
The Roosevelt Class of '69 Alumni Committee is
researching a few Las Vegas shows to make
available to attendees of our 60th Birthday Bash
in November.
Currently they are looking at the Rod Stewart
show at Caesar's Palace and Human Nature,
an ultimate celebration of Motown sounds,
playing at the Imperial Palace.
The Kalani and McKinley Alumni Committees
will be meeting with the Roosevelt group
this evening. So stand by.
More information to follow.
researching a few Las Vegas shows to make
available to attendees of our 60th Birthday Bash
in November.
Currently they are looking at the Rod Stewart
show at Caesar's Palace and Human Nature,
an ultimate celebration of Motown sounds,
playing at the Imperial Palace.
The Kalani and McKinley Alumni Committees
will be meeting with the Roosevelt group
this evening. So stand by.
More information to follow.
The cost to attend our Kalani Class of '69 birthday bash
at the Oahu Country Club on August 12th has been
reduced! It is now set at $50. (Down from $55)
The alumni committee has been working hard to
keep the price down. They believe that it will be
the company and fellowship of the alumni that
will make this event a success. So make plans
to be there and join your classmates!
at the Oahu Country Club on August 12th has been
reduced! It is now set at $50. (Down from $55)
Heavy Pupu Buffet!!
The alumni committee has been working hard to
keep the price down. They believe that it will be
the company and fellowship of the alumni that
will make this event a success. So make plans
to be there and join your classmates!
Review all postings
Thank you for visiting the Kalani Class of 1969 Alumni Blog.
It was created to not only disseminate information, but
also to get classmates excited about attending one or
all of the 60th birthday celebrations, so go back
check out the older posts and get excited!
Remember when?
Back in the old days things were different.
We should have stuck to the old-style
gas pumps. They could only go as
high as 99.9 cents a gallon.
That would have kept the price down!
Recognize anyone?
Who are these people?
You won't see them at OCC in August.
You might see them in Las Vegas.
You might see them at the 4-schools event.
Note the balloon colors.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Remember me?
"Hi, remember me?"
"Uh, sure I remember you ... howzit?"
"You don't remember who I am, huh?"
"No I do ... I just can't think of your name."
A few of the greetings at the 40th reunion were like this.
The sure cure to preventing these "uncomfortable"
moments is to attend the alumni events
and talk to people. You'd be surprised to find out
The sure cure to preventing these "uncomfortable"
moments is to attend the alumni events
and talk to people. You'd be surprised to find out
who actually attended school with you.
What if ...
Hey, remember these guys?
Imagine if somehow we could get them back
together again just to play once more at the Four-School's
Birthday Bash. Wouldn't that be Bitchin?
(Or should we say, Groovy, Outta Sight, or Radical?)
You never know who might show up.
Come join us and find out!
Come join us and find out!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Japanese Cultural Center Ballrooms
Only $60
(Food, live music, casino, and friends)
Las Vegas Bowling
McKinley's Class of '69 will be hosting a bowling event at the Sam's Town Casino on Friday, 11-11-11 (Must be some significance to those numbers) from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. All schools are invited to participate. They are scheduling individual as well as school team challenges that will include prizes, bragging rights, and definitely lots of fun.
Cost will be $15 for three games. More information to follow.
(This early announcement is for those of you who want to "practice.")
Note: Check out the yearbooks to see which school had the powerhouse bowlers!
Can't bowl? Don't worry. The format will be either an 8-pin or 9-pin tap game, meaning that an 8 or 9 will count as a strike. We should see some 300 (perfect) games that day as the Falcons soar in victory!
To all KHS '69 Alumni
From: The Class of '69 Reunion Committee
To: All Class of '69 Alumni
Mahalo for visiting the blog site and for calling in with inquiries regarding this year's events. We will continue to keep you updated on the upcoming 60th birthday activities for this year.
To: All Class of '69 Alumni
Mahalo for visiting the blog site and for calling in with inquiries regarding this year's events. We will continue to keep you updated on the upcoming 60th birthday activities for this year.
- For the Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, and Roosevelt's 60th Birthday Bash on July 23rd, send your $60 check to:
Kalani Class of '69
(four school birthday bash)
c/o V. Ward
98-505 Lulu Place
Aiea, Hawaii 96791
- When attending Kalani's 60th Birthday Bash at the Oahu Country Club on August 12th, send in your check for $55 (reduced to $50) to the same address. (notation KHS birthday bash)
- For the joint Roosevelt, McKinley, and Kalani bash at Las Vegas in November, we need your $100 deposit to confirm that you'll be joining us. But, please wait on this for a little while. We are currently working on a application form to track information. As soon as it is completed, we will post it for you to send in with your deposit check. (Same address)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Now is the time to make time to see each other
There are many businesses, places, and even
classmates who are no longer with us.
classmates who are no longer with us.
At our 40th reunion we reminisced
and enjoyed stories about a few of them.
It's now two years later and time for our 60th birthday.
We've lost a few more landmarks and
even more of our Falcon classmates.
even more of our Falcon classmates.
Come join us at Kalani's Class of '69 Birthday Bash
at the Oahu Country Club on
Friday, August 12, 2011
Starts at 6 pm
$55 Special Birthday Buffet
Send payments to:
Kalani Class of '69
c/o V. Ward
98-505 Lulu Place
Aiea, Hawaii 96791
For more information:
Phone Joanne at (808) 235-3755
At the meeting
Dave Kaneshiro and Leonard Hoshijo
take a break from "negotiations" at the table and
reach for some wine. Naturally they drank only
red and white. Good school spirit.
Cathy Lim Yoza wants to order some pupus soBobby Imoto interupts the meeting. Some things
never change! Are Vickie and Joanne upset?
Kalani Alumni Committee
Although this may look like the meeting is in a casino in Las Vegas, they are actually in Honolulu.
The committee is tirelessly working on THREE 60th birthday events for this year to give everyone a chance to attend at least one of them. All of them are truly unique and worth attending. (They are literally once -in-a-lifetime events.
Members pictured:
Dave Kaneshiro, Leonard Hoshijo, Vickie Ward (top photo)
Joanne Amioka Chikuma, Patty Niwa Yamashita, Diane Chong, Dave Kaneshiro (bottom photo)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Another reason to check out the Bash
Remember the YMCA and YWCA social clubs?
DMZs, Hobies, Ventures, Belmonts, Solteros, Sultans,
Centrics, L'Enriches', Gigis, Cameos, Darlamanes,
Pharoahs, Sapphires. Lauri Annettes, Shanates,
Videls, just to name a few.
The 60th Birthday Bash at the JCC on July 23, 2011
will be the largest "club social" for all of these clubs.
$60 includes food, live music, casino, and tons of fun.
Send checks to Kalani Class of '69
c/o V. Ward
98-505 Lulu Place
Aiea, Hawaii 96791
will be the largest "club social" for all of these clubs.
$60 includes food, live music, casino, and tons of fun.
Send checks to Kalani Class of '69
c/o V. Ward
98-505 Lulu Place
Aiea, Hawaii 96791
Signing Up for the Four-Schools 60th Birthday Bash
The Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, and
Roosevelt High Schools 60th Birthday Bash
will be held at the Japanese Cultural Center ballrooms on
Saturday, July 23, 2011 from 5:30 to 10:30 pm.
Food, Music, Casino, and Friends from four schools.
Cost $60
Make checks payable to:
Kalani Class of '69
Send payments to:
Kalani Class of '69
c/o V. Ward
98-505 Lulu Place
Aiea, HI 96791
or call Joanne at
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Alumni committees continue meetings
The Four-Schools 60th Birthday Bash sub-committee,
with representatives from McKinley, Kalani, Roosevelt,
and Kaimuki High Schools continue to meet,
plan, and organize the upcoming joint event that
will be held on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at the
Japanese Cultural Center Ballrooms.
Chris Sumiye Imoto, Dexter Suzuki, Dean Masuno (McKinley),
and David Kaneshiro (Kalani)
Linda and Gordon Kitsuwa (Kalani/Kaimuki), Robin Yafuso (Roosevelt)
Joanne Amioka Chikuma (Kalani) and Vincent Yee (Roosevelt)
Janice Shon Nii, Bob Delacuesta, and Wendall Ogitani (Kaimuki)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Falcon on patrol
Kalani's Falcon has come to help us
plan our 60th Birthday celebrations.
It is also looking for McKinley's Tiger, Kaimuki's Bulldog,
and some Rough Riders from Roosevelt.
The year was 1951
No, this is not a photo of our classmates.
The year was 1951.
The year was 1951.
This is at the old airport on Lagoon Drive.
Much has changed in 60 years.
Come and reminisce with your classmates
at the Oahu Country Club on August 12th
for Kalani's 60th Birthday Bash!
Photo from the Honolulu Advertiser
Photo from the Honolulu Advertiser
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Reminder: Kalani High Class of 69, 60th Birthday Bash
Our official Kalani High Class of 69, 60th Birthday Bash event has been scheduled for Friday, August 12, 2011 at the Oahu Country Club.
Starting from 6 pm, KHS alumni will gather at OCC's Makai Lounge to talk stories and enjoy a special buffet dinner.
Starting from 6 pm, KHS alumni will gather at OCC's Makai Lounge to talk stories and enjoy a special buffet dinner.
Cost for the banquet is $55 (Now reduced to $50).
For the golfers, the KHS Alumni Committee will be hosting at golf tournament earlier in the day at a cost of $70.
For more details and to sign up:
Email or
Call Joanne Amioka Chikuma at (808)235-3755.
For golf:
Contact Dave Dunham at
Where did these classmates hangout during
their recess and lunch period?
a) C Building hallway
b) Back door steps to the cafeteria
c) Outside of B101 classroom
d) Main hallway between A and B buildings
For the correct answer, see one of them at any
one of our upcoming functions.
Remember everyone?
Recognize all of these classmates?
Don't worry, we will have name tags for everyone
at every event, with LARGE letters for our "senior" eyes.
Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, & Roosevelt
Birthday Bash
Birthday Bash
Saturday, July 23 at the Japanese Cultural Center
Kalani Class of 69, 60th Birthday Bash
Friday, August 12 at the Oahu Country Club
Roosevelt, Kalani, & McKinley
Las Vegas 60th Birthday Bash
Las Vegas 60th Birthday Bash
November 9 - 14 in Las Vegas
Tricycle Races?
Remember Seniors Day, when we were afforded the opportunity
to show the underclassmen the rewards of three years of study ...
Bicycle races!! You can be sure that Deanna won this heat.
If Oahu Country Club will allow it, we might design a tricycle
course through the parking lots. That sounds like fun!
Come down on Friday, August 12 to our
Kalani 60th Birthday Bash and check it out.
Welcome Trimmers
Wouldn't it be interesting if all the girls who had
worked at the cannery attend our four
school birthday bash dressed in their cannery attire?
Imagine seeing them in those stylish caps,
skin-tight gloves, and figure-flattering aprons.
That would definitely add to the nostalgia of the event.
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