Class of '69 Vegas Bash
A group of about 45, made up of '69 classmates from Kalani, McKinley, and Roosevelt along with some family and friends, just returned from their Las Vegas Bash 2015 trip. Although the "headquarters" for the main activities was at The Orleans, the group successfully deposited a lot of their money equally throughout the Strip and the downtown casinos. After the dust had settled, everyone ate a lot, had a lot of fun together during the bonding activities, and had a great time.
Gordon Choy, Sandy Asato Nishimoto, Keith Kurahashi (MHS), Ann Moniz Suen, Harold Fujii (RHS), Jo Amioka Chikuma, Chris Sumiye Imoto (MHS) and Wes Mukawa (RHS)
Ready to gamble ...At The Orleans
Ann Moniz Suen, Kathy Inouye Anzai, and Gordon Choy at the Icebreaker Breakfast - the Orleans
Kent Harada works on some of his magic in Keno
Wes Mukawa, Lisa Chang, and Bart Martinez (RHS) at the breakfast

The banquet at the Prime Rib Loft at The Orleans
Chris Sumiye Imoto (MHS), Gordon Choy, Ann Moniz Suen, Joanne Amioka Chikuma, Bobby Imoto, and Elton Kodama (RHS) at the Mirage for the Boyz II Men show.
Wes Mukawa (RHS) helps Ann display her $3000 worth of "jewelry."
Gordon Choy, Roberta Lim (RHS), Keith Kurahashi (MHS), Vincent Yim (RHS) and Russ Shiroma (RHS) review the rules before starting the Crazy Bowling event.
The "Walk the Strip Hunt" scavenger event winners. Team One: Keith Kurahashi (MHS), Ann Moniz Suen, Dayle Hoopai (RHS) and Jo Amioka Chikuma.
Dayle and Jo at their Eiffel Tower scavenger task.
Myra Tamahana (MHS), Bobby Comeau (MHS), Gary Tamanaha (MHS) and Mark Luna (Damien/RHS) at the Icebreaker Breakfast.
Just can't take the teacher out of Jo as she hands out "homework" to Gordon, Kent, and Ann.
Vince addresses the group at the Hospitality Room.
More from the Prime Rib Loft at The Orleans
Jo and Sandy Nishimoto at Hikari (All you can eat sushi)